Thursday, March 6th 2025, 7:16 pm
It’s a great place to get a great cup of coffee, but make no mistake, at Joe’s Addiction, they are serving more than a great cup of Joe.
“People drink coffee, we have free coffee that is available if you can’t afford coffee,” said Jamie West-Zumwalt, Executive Director of Joe’s Addiction.
If ever there was a place, this is the place where everybody really does know your name.
“They hand out cream and sugar and get to know people and find out people’s names and make connections,” said West-Zumwalt.
She started the coffee shop 18 years ago as she struggled with her faith.
“To try to see is it even possible to do the things that Jesus taught,” said West-Zumwalt.
After seeing people mistreated and neglected because of their economic status, addictions, mental illness, and homelessness, she wanted to create a place where those people felt welcomed.
“Word started spreading that there’s a place that you can go where you’re welcomed, and they have free coffee,” said West-Zumwalt.
Confirming her belief that this place was not only necessary, it was needed.
“More and more needs began presenting themselves to us. People who needed clothing, who needed to eat and as each need started presenting, we just started looking to how do we do that,” said West-Zumwalt.
The coffee shop quickly became more than coffee, serving guests a hot breakfast and lunch.
“We serve all the meals on real plates with real silverware; they don’t wait in line,” said West Zumwalt.
Yes, guests are actually served just like at a restaurant. There are also free showers and laundry.
“They write their name on there, we wash it up for them and return it to them when it’s finished,” said West-Zumwalt.
There’s also a clothes pantry and connection to services, with only two stipulations.
“We love each other, and we practice nonviolence,” said West-Zumwalt.
Love and respect are felt in every area of Joe’s.
“It’s really beautiful, I never thought I’d get to be involved in something like this,” said West-Zumwalt.
The services provided are free to anyone, so donations of any kind are appreciated. They accept pretty much anything other than furniture. For more information about Joe’s Addiction, visit their website
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March 28th, 2025
March 28th, 2025
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