Wednesday, March 6th 2013, 10:20 pm
Last night I talked about "the blizzard that wasn't", and called News 9's continuous coverage as the right call. Well here's what some of you had to say:
Matthew up in Mooreland praising the meteorologists saying: "Without them, we wouldn't have been prepared like we were."
And Jan out in Arapaho adds: "Allow us to get equipment ready and hay and cattle feeding planned."
Up in Okeene though, Neal's patience is about gone: "Still people out of electricity and your station doesn't even talk about our struggles."
Yes we have Neal.
Pisce in Guthrie says: "You must feel really silly covering an inch or so."
Connie in OKC says it was too much coverage: "This type of thing is why people will switch to cable possibly miss important warnings."
Dennis says: "Yes the coverage was over played. News 9, you were wrong."
You notice a lot of the criticism is coming from the metro area to which Ann writes: "I can't believe that people in Oklahoma City are so self-centered, that if it didn't affect them, they could have cared less."
And Floyd added: "The people that didn't like the coverage will like it when it hits them."
Mary Jo in Drummond wrote: "Tornado season is coming. Complainers...stand outside and watch for yourselves."
Finally, David from Perry writes: "Kelly ur a smart man but I got to say u don't get it."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
March 6th, 2013
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