Flu season is upon us, and several school districts in Oklahoma have canceled classes due to an uptick in sickness.
Oklahoma schools closing for cleaning amid rise in flu cases
Taking a few simple steps can significantly reduce your risk of catching the flu and help you manage symptoms if you do get sick.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prevention starts with getting vaccinated and continues with practices like handwashing, avoiding sick individuals, and maintaining healthy habits.
Preventing the Flu:
- Get a Flu Vaccine: Annual flu shots are your most effective defense against the virus. The CDC calls it the best way to prevent the flu and its potentially serious complications.
- Avoid Close Contact: Keep your distance from those who are sick, and if you’re feeling unwell, stay home. This helps prevent spreading the flu to others.
- Wash Your Hands Often: Regular handwashing with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing, is essential. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. The CDC also highlights that handwashing can significantly reduce the spread of germs.
- Cover Your Cough and Sneezes: Always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze to prevent flu droplets from spreading. Wearing a mask can further protect others, as it helps contain the spread of the virus.
- Clean Frequently-Touched Surfaces: Regularly disinfecting surfaces like doorknobs, countertops, and handrails can help limit the spread of flu germs in your home or workspace.
- Improve Air Quality: Open windows for fresh air, purify indoor air or gather outdoors. Cleaner air can reduce the exposure to viruses.
- Practice Healthy Habits: The CDC recommends getting enough sleep, staying physically active, managing stress, drinking fluids, and eating nutritious foods to strengthen your immune system.
What to Do if You Get the Flu:
If you do catch the flu, these steps can help reduce symptoms and prevent spreading it:
Stay Home When Sick: The CDC recommends staying home from work or school to avoid infecting others. You should stay home until at least 24 hours after your fever and symptoms improve.
- Rest and Hydrate: Focus on getting plenty of rest and drinking fluids to stay hydrated. This helps your body recover and fight off the infection.
- Take Over-the-Counter Medications: Fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can alleviate symptoms, but always follow dosage instructions and consult a doctor if needed.
- Cover Your Mouth and Nose: Use tissues or the inside of your elbow to avoid contaminating your surroundings when coughing or sneezing.
- Clean Hands and Surfaces: Regular handwashing and cleaning frequently touched surfaces can help prevent spreading the flu to others.
- Consult a Doctor if Necessary: If you experience severe symptoms or are at higher risk (young children, elderly adults, or those with chronic conditions), seek medical care. Antiviral medications may help reduce the severity of symptoms if taken early.