Wednesday, March 8th 2023, 10:30 pm
A Wagoner man is back in Oklahoma after taking a trip to Ukraine to help people who need glasses.
News On 6 talked to Clayton Schwab before he left, and he said the visit had a profound effect on him.
Clayton took a mission trip to Ukraine to give nearly 2,000 glasses to people who couldn't see well.
He saw firsthand how a war can affect a country and the people in it.
“You’ll see people behind the reading charts and they’re holding lights because there’s no power in the building and stuff we were in," said Clayton.
He saw how war can take away the home people have lived in for years.
“Imagine leaving your home and what you’re carrying is in Walmart sacks or maybe a backpack and that’s all you got out of your house," said Clayton.
It made him think about how long it's been since he heard the sounds of war.
“It brought back some old memories of 55 years ago of Vietnam," said Clayton.
But throughout it all, there was good.
“I was with the crews that were giving out groceries, supplies, water, generators," Clayton recalled.
But Clayton was helping people be able to see better and that brought smiles that went from ear to ear.
“Just because you gave them a pair of glasses and they can see. How much better reward can a person get? It doesn’t get better than that," said Clayton.
And he said most importantly, he did it while telling people about Christianity.
“When I give out a pair of glasses to them and make them happy. They know that Jesus came and gave them glasses. Jesus is the reason I was there," said Clayton.
Clayton said the glasses he gave out didn't even put a dent in the need. He's already raising money to go back to Ukraine next month.
Clayton has provided information on how to donate:
If you want to support his next trip to Ukraine, you can give online through Tithely to JJJ Ministries Inc. and mark it for Ukraine.
You can text "give" to (866) 870-5592 and indicate Ukraine for your giving.
You can mail to: JJJ Ministries Inc./The Gathering Pen Cowboy Church, 72430 S. 250 RD, Wagoner Ok 74467. Please write Ukraine on the memo.
All support is going to supply glasses, trip expenses, supplies in Ukraine, and help with the van that drives them to the front lines and around the country.
March 8th, 2023
December 18th, 2023
September 19th, 2023
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025