Wednesday, February 8th 2023, 9:51 pm
Tulsa Burglary Detectives are working to return thousands of dollars' worth of stolen items to their owners.
Golf clubs, yeti cups, baseball cards, and tons of tools are just a small sampling of all the stolen items, which police said Brett Chamberlain stole out of people's cars.
"He would just hit multiple places. In one day, he may hit six or seven or eight different places. So, it was just random, and he would go burglarize multiple places," said Lt. Tim Means, Tulsa Police Department.
Lt. Means said Chamberlain didn't care what items he took; he took everything.
"It looks like there's a roll of wire, golf bags, there's just miscellaneous items in there. He doesn't have a specific kind or type that he's trying to get," said Lt. Means.
Records show Chamberlain's has a long list of felony convictions going back to 2001 for things like burglary, stolen cars, stolen credit cards, and forgery with convictions in Tulsa, Muskogee, and Rogers Counties.
"We've found approximately 35 victims so far that he's burglarized, and we have items that he had in his possession. There's another 50 or so that we've been unable to contact," said Lt. Means.
Detectives are still trying to find victims and get them their belongings back.
If you see something that is yours, if you can prove it, you can have it.
Detectives said if you see somebody breaking into cars, just call the police.
"It's best to be the very best witness you can be for us and get pictures, information, vehicle, descriptions, direction of traveling, anything that could help us," said Lt. Means.
February 8th, 2023
October 16th, 2024
March 13th, 2023
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025