Thursday, January 19th 2023, 6:25 pm
The Biden Administration is sending resources to an Oklahoma company to address an issue put in the spotlight during the pandemic.
It’s one of 25 companies receiving grant money.
“This has allowed us to go ahead and retain ownership of the cattle from the time they are born until the end user,” Bret Riley, the owner of Dry Creek Meats LLC, said.
The money will allow him to pay for labor and marketing for the next three years.
“We’ll raise them sustainably, bring them here, handle them humanly, and put out a product that the consumer can trust,” Riley said.
On his ranch, he said, it’s about the holistic approach to practicing regenerative agriculture.
This grant will allow them to market their cattle differently than they ever have.
The Riley family is also busy working on another project that would grow the small town of Leedey even more.
With just over 400 people, there are no restaurants or hotels, but that will all change with a 17-thousand-square-foot building.
“We were fortunate enough to purchase a large commercial building,” Riley said.
They are adding three businesses inside: a bed and breakfast, a restaurant and a space to place their meat distribution center.
Tevis Hillis, a proud Oklahoma native, anchors the weekend morning news. She also covers breaking news, education, and topics relevant to people in their 20s for her weekday audience. In addition to her on-air role, Tevis is an adjunct professor for OU Nightly, mentoring over 160 students each semester.
January 19th, 2023
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