Monday, March 3rd 2025, 6:55 pm
As the Trump administration continues its standoff with Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelenskyy, a metro group is gearing up for a rally calling for Ukraine's Freedom and Peace.
This weekend, Europe vowed to defend Ukraine but added support from the U.S. was essential in order to move forward with peace talks.
Days after the Oval Office clash, Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelenskyy signaled he believes the relationship can be saved.
Administration officials are echoing President Trump's comments about what's needed to restart talks with Ukraine. "He's got to say 'I want to make peace,'” said President Trump.
Phoebe Gleeson with Sooner Hope For Ukraine, an Oklahoma group, says regardless of one's stance on the Oval Office spat, she believes fences can and must be mended.
“I've heard people say that was an ambush. I don't think it was. I don't think there was any plan for it to go that way. I think it was intended to be a very much a smile, nice, and then things got emotional,” said Ukrainian activist Phoebe Gleeson.
At war with Russia, tens of thousands of lives have been lost and others upended.
“It’s disrupting not just commerce, business, it’s disrupting children's lives,” said Gleeson.
Gleeson's Ukrainian friends tell her the fear is constant.
“It’s constant fear, our tornado alarm sounds just like their air raids. And they hear it every day—multiple times a day,” said Gleeson.
She says no one benefits from war and is hopeful a middle ground can be reached.
“Ukraine is an economic powerhouse, and the U.S. should have that as our friend and ally. It would be wonderful for both countries,” said Gleeson.
Gleeson says in Ukraine, there's a common saying: "Ukraine has always been and Ukraine will always be."
The rally 'Stand with Ukraine for Freedom and Just Peace' is March 8, from 12:30 to 2:30 in Scissortail Park in Downtown Oklahoma City.
Supporters are encouraged to wear blue and yellow—the colors on the Ukrainian flag.
U.S. and Ukrainian flags and sunflowers are welcome.
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