Thursday, August 25th 2011, 10:54 pm
EDMOND, Oklahoma -- A new organization is helping veterans in the metro transition from the front-lines to every day life. It's called "Operation Follow-Thru."
"Whenever I cam back, I had a really hard time getting back into society," said James Smith with the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.
"I was discharged out of the Air Force on medical because of my bipolar and groups like this helped me get in touch with people and understand what was going on in my own life," he said.
Thursday night was the group's second meeting, and while the chairs may not have been filled, the organizer's said they hope to have them full soon.
Operation Follow-Thru is focused on veterans, but they are open to anyone with mental health issues such as depression and bipolar disorder.
They meet twice a month at the American Legion Post at Fifth Street and Littler in Edmond.
For more information on Operation Follow-Thru, call Tammy Lennox at 340-7133 or the office at 602-5360.
August 25th, 2011
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